Know ye all and sundry that We, (name of King) King of
AEthelmearc and (name of Queen) Our Queen, recognizing the worth of Our well
beloved and faithful servant, (recipient’s name), who has served Us well as
(reason for award), do give unto him/her this Grant of Arms: (blazon Arms or
leave space for them to be added later), and he/she shal have the sole and
exclusive right to these Arms throughout the Known World without let or
hinderance. By Our Hand at (event) in Our (name of hosting group) on this (#)
day of (month) Anno Societatis (year).
**Signatures of King and Queen**
In accord with all that is proper attend and bear witness.
Since those things which are done lapse with the passage of time, and unless
they are supported by written testimony, will easily slip the memories of men,
We wish it to be known to all people both now and in the future that We, (names
of King & Queen), King and Queen of AEthelmearc, knowing well the value of
the service of (recipient’s name),especially his/her efforts as (reason) herby
Grant unto him/her these Arms (blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added
later). We have strengthened this appointment of Ours, corroborating it in
writing as witnessed by those assembled at (event) this (#) day of (month) Anno
Societatis (year).
**Signatures of King and Queen**
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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