By his/her deeds, (recipient’s name) has distinguished
him/herself as (reason for award). We (name of King & Queen), King and
Queen of AEthelmearc, acknowledge and commend his/her many efforts and admit
this most worthy gentle into the Order of the White Horn. We bestow upon this
noble Lord/Lady all rights and privileges of his/her new estate **and in
further tribute of such worthy and noble actions Grant unto him/her Arms
thusly: (blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added later) Done before
his/her fellow Companions and all those assembled to bear witness this (#) day
of (month) A.S. (year) at (event).
**Signatures of King and Queen**
Whereas anciently from the beginning the valiant and
virtuous acts of worthy persons have been commended to the world with sundry
monuments and remembrances of their good deserts. (recipient’s name) has done
numerous commendable services to (name of martial specialty) and been a leader
through example. It is only fitting that We should recognize his/her efforts
and welcome them into Our Order of the White Horn that all may know their
worth.** Furthermore We Grant unto His Lordship/Her Ladyship these Arms:
(blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added later). We (King’s name)
fierce and Mighty King of AEthelmearc and (Queen’s name) Queen and most noble
inspiration have set hereunto Our hand this (#) day of (month) Anno Societatis
(year) before the Noble Companions of this Order and all here assembled at this
**Signatures of King and Queen**
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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