Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Trimaris Order of the Argent Sword Wording

Know that We the Crown Trimaris declare that honor must go to those who not only show prowess upon the field of combat, but who also give of their time and skill to train those who will succeed them. Hereupon this _______ day of _________, A.S. ________ We summon _______________ to be proclaimed as Companion of the Argent Sword Trimaris. [If GOA is also given, add “and also bestow a Grant of Arms.”]


Prowess upon the many fields of combat is worthy of recognition, but even greater honor is due to those who give of their time to train well their successors. We the Crown Trimaris do recognize such devotion and honor in our good
_____________, and so do this day name them as a Companion of the Argent Sword Trimaris. [If GOA is also given, add “and also bestow a Grant of Arms.”]
Signed by Our hand upon this _______ day of _________, A.S. ________.


We honor those who show their skill and valor upon the field, but moreso do we honor those who ensure that posterity will also have learned these qualities. We the Crown Trimaris have seen that ______________ has shown dedication to that end, and so welcome them to the Order of the Argent Sword Trimaris. [If GOA is also given, add “and also bestow a Grant of Arms.”]
Signed and sealed by Our hand in A.S.____________, upon the ____ day of


All know that prowess on the field upholds and maintains the honor of a Kingdom, and those who foster the fighting arts share greatly in that honor. We the Crown of this Laurel Kingdom of Trimaris, do herewith commend Our good _______________ for skill and gallantry, and do name them a Companion of the Argent Sword Trimaris [If GOA is also given, add “and also bestow a Grant of Arms.”]
on this _____ day of _____, A.S. ______.


Whereas prowess on the field upholds and maintains the honor of a Kingdom, those who train and foster the fighting arts share greatly in that honor. Herewith is _________ commended for their skill and gallantry, and is named a Companion of the Argent Sword Trimaris. [If GOA is also given, add “and also bestow a Grant of Arms.”]

Done by Our hand this _____ day of _____, A.S. _____.

[Source: The Trimaris College of Scribes]

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