Thursday 3 October 2013

Drachenwald Queen's Order of Couresty Wording

To owre dear cousin [recipient]. Right worthy and worshepefull ladye, I recomaunde me to yow and thank yow for þe good, trew, and diligent labour ye have hadde for the mattier of the quenes of Drachenwald. For yowr conseil and thee manhede yow have shewn to us and otheres, we wish and firmly command þat ye be everilkquar accompted, nombred, accepted, and receyued into our Order of Corteisie. My wille is that ye shew þe chief signes of this honour, ane whight edelweiss wyth a centre of redde.

Written at [group] þe [number] day of [month], a.s. [year]. Yowre frend and lege ladye, þe quene of Drachenwald,

contributed by Lady Aryanhwy merch Catmael, based (very loosely) on some of the Paston letters.

Þese are the wordes of [queen] drachenwaldish quene
Ase saphyr in seluer semly on syht,
Ase iaspe þe gentil þat lemeþ wiþ the lyht,
Ase gernet in golde ant ruby wel rhyt
Ase onycle she ys on yholden on hyht,
Ase diamaund þe dere in day when she is dyht;
Ase all þese ys þe [recipient], pearle of grace and goodenesse and þus we [queen] make her a member of oure Order of Courteisie, on [month] [day], a.s. [year], at [event].

contributed by Lady Aryanhwy merch Catmael. Lines 2-6 are from the "Song of Annot and John", a late 13th/early 14th C ME poem.

[Source: Kingdom of Drachenwald site]

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